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Tag: Sick Leave

【職場航行日誌】延長工作試用期 等於玩完嗎?

阿頭神色凝重細細聲咁吩咐我︰「幫我Gen某部門新同事嘅Leave report出嚟睇下,Urgent啊!」通常做得呢個行動都唔係好事...... ...


人人都會病,但有無遇過每個月身體都會唔舒服嘅「病假王」同事? ...

How to combat the abuse of sick leave in the Hong Kong workplace during festive seasons

As Chinese New Year draws near, many employees will be planning to spend the holiday with their loved ones....... ...

Taking trouble to avoid ill-advised moves on sick pay

Most employers will be familiar with dealing with employees absent on sick leave on occasion; this is an inevitable part of managing a workforce, writes Fiona Loughrey and Sarah Berkeley. ...

Should I quit my job?

I'm really stressed by my new job and I don't know if I can handle the workload or management style ... ...