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和別人接觸和溝通,是人的基本需要。職場上學好溝通,更幫你和上司、同事和其他合作夥伴建立良好的工作關係,提升工作表現,增加晉升機會! ...

Powering the New Normal

Engineers do wondrous things every day in a wide variety of fields for the good of society. Not the least of these fields is electrical engineering. This is a specialised type of engineering dealing with energy and electricity, and we owe these electrical engineers a salute for most of the “normals” that we take for granted in our lives today are powered by them. The hands of electrical engineers touch almost every part of our lives. It is no surprise that they are one of the driving tribes that make all our futures brighter. ...

Leadership today: what qualities are we looking for?

Over the past 30 years in my role as a corporate consultant and leadership trainer, I have had the privilege of working with countless individuals in senior executive positions. I have observed and studied their behaviour and personal characteristics to get a better understanding of how they operate and how people respond to their direction. ...

How can employers respond to the rise in demand for remote and overseas working?

A recent survey from the Chinese University of Hong Kong suggests that nearly 60% of people aged 15-30 want to leave the city, and that 25% of university-educated young Hong Kongers plan to leave within the next 5 years. With the potential outflow of talent combined with changes in working caused by COVID-19, what steps can employers consider taking to maintain or improve workplace retention? ...


有研究指出,在AI 人工智能年代最少有10個工種會或將會被消失,它們分別是: • 客服人員及電話銷售人員被取代率 99% • 快遞及外送員被取代率 97.8% • 會計師被取代率 93.5% • 店員被取代率 92.3% • 導遊被取代率 90.6% • 計程車司機被取代率 89.4% • 房仲人員被取代率 86.4% • 演員被取代率 37.4% • 理財專員被取代率 23.3% • 記者被取代率 11.4% ...


自己近幾年來,都是忙於策劃不同主題的工作坊及講座予眾HR從業員,也有機會與不同trainers 設計不同企業培訓項目。 每次看見HR朋友們常於放工後都來參與不同工作坊,讓我非常感動。因為這是他們認同持續學習的重要性以及如何自我增值。 ...


你是否有身邊朋友不時向你訴苦,公司某某入職很短時間,升職又加人工﹑那位中學同學很受老闆賞識及器重,並給予很多發揮機會?但相反,自己已很努力,盡量發揮自己的才華,並不斷配合公司的要求,可惜總是沒有機會再上一層樓。 ...


很多品牌發展的時候,不約而同都會考慮增加產品種類、銷售渠道、研發及推出與本身沒有直接關係的產品等等。但發展品牌這回事,稍一不慎,以上的做法極有可能演化成一種自殘的行為。 ...


有深度的品牌大家可能都聽過,但有溫度的品牌大家又能否猜度得到?大家可能聯想起是否品牌本身的產品或服務與溫度有關?或許是與餐飲或衣着產品、甚至是家庭電器用品有關?因為這類產品本身給予客戶帶來不同溫度感覺,例如保暖衣物、熱飲、冰鎮食品、冷氣、暖爐等等。 ...