Career Advice Career counselling, advice and guidance

Tag: Others

No thanks!

Our company is currently implementing expensive exercises designed to engage staff members, however the money would be better spent boosting our pay or hiring extra staff. ...

At a crossroad

I feel trapped in my dead-end job. My heart tells me that it's now or never to quit my soul destroying job to do something of my own but my head tells me to be practical and carry on till retirement. ...


I'm terrible at making small talk and I will be attending some workshops with my boss soon. Any tips on networking during the coffee breaks and also at the cocktail event? ...

Reference letter

I've been working part-time for a really cheap rate to gain some experience during uni and I've decided to take a breather to focus on my studies. My boss loves me and wants me to stay on board .... ...


I've heard its good to get a mentor but how do you go about getting one to mentor you? ...

Any tips for declining a job offer?

When is it the best time to turn down a job offer as I've received two at the moment ... ...

Fresh graduate looking for a job

I'm completing a master's in finance, however my interest seems to be in HR and I'd really like some advice on planning my future career path ... ...

Tips to shorten meetings?

I’ve just joined a new company and our big boss loves to have really long meetings to hash and rehash everything ... ...

Getting back into the workforce

Due to marriage, family and relocation, I have not been in the workforce for almost 10 years. Can I still get back into the legal field? ...