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Tag: Emotional Intelligence


在傳統教育中,情商(Emotional Intelligence, EQ)常常被忽略,社會普遍更加重視智商(Intelligence Quotient, IQ)的培養。然而,情商與智商在職場中同樣舉足輕重,其重要性隨工作性質和環境而有所不同。在競爭激烈的職場中,情商對職業成功、人際關係以及工作氛圍的影響不可小覷。即使專業能力再出色,若無法掌控情緒,也難以獲得他人的認同與信任。筆者希望與大家分享情商在職場中的應用與影響,並提供提升情商的實用建議。 ...

Developing your emotional intelligence could improve your leadership skills


Fit in before you stand out

You have just changed your employer, or even taken on an entirely new role and have to work with a boss, or even a team, that is totally new to ... ...

It pays to keep that poker face

In recent years, Sebastien Henry - author, entrepreneur and executive coach - has emerged as one of the most influential voices on how to succeed in ... ...

Using emotions as allies

Emotional quotient (EQ) and its sibling emotional intelligence (EI) are very much in vogue among researchers and consultants keen to identify the factors that set ... ...