CL Technical Services Ltd.
Web Programmer (TST, 5 days work)
Job Details
Company Overview
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Job Duties:
- To migrate and consolidate various internal training databases and knowledge management systems from Network Attached Storage (NAS) to virtual machines (VM) with operating systems Redhat Linux and Ubuntu;
- To re-construct and revamp the layout design of public education related websites
- To incorporate new cases and streamline workflow of weather case simulation training platform
- To maintain all public education related webpages to fulfill the latest W3C requirements
- To revamp and speed up the radiation data display process on internal platform
- To provide technical support on ad-hoc requests; and
- To write up documentation of software modules
Job Requirement:
- Higher Diploma or above in Computer Science or related subjects
- At least 3 years' experience in IT industry
- Experience in web programming using HTML5, JavaScript, PHP, JSON, XML, My SQL and Node.js
- Experience in website development using responsive web design
- Experience in Unix Shell Script
- Sound knowledge in the W3C web accessibility standards (WCAG 2.1)
If interested for the above position, please send detailed resume with current and expected salary as well as date of availability through Apply Now.
For more job opportunity, please visit our website:
The personal information collected is strictly for recruitment purpose only
Additional Information
Associate Degree
Employment Type
Full Time
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