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Tag: Respect

The one thing all great leaders have in common

As leaders in a world fraught with uncertainty and volatility, we are unable to control external events or circumstances. What we can control however, is the way we interact, react and respond to effort within the workplace. Consistency is defined as, "Acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate”. A dependable leader is someone who inspires confidence, autonomy and belief among their peers and staff. Less time worrying about how a leader is going to take charge provides employees more time to focus on growing the business and servicing customers. Just as importantly, the by-product of this is the respect leaders gain from their employees – because inconsistency breeds fear. ...

Stronger together

Creating visibility for employees to feel appreciated, respected, and part of an organisation is the key to NTT’s success after a mega-merger ...

The 'real' reason for quitting my job

I can't stand working for my dept due to the poor management skills of our boss. How can I tactfully address my reason for leaving during job interviews? ...

Middle management crisis

I've been promoted to a new role and now have to manage a diverse team of staff of different ages. As a newcomer and also due to my age, I feel they resent me. How can I earn their respect and implement some changes? ...