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Tag: office lady

8 must-have items to keep yourself warm in office

Dear sleepy office workers, As informed by the Hong Kong Observatory, an intense winter monsoon is bringing appreciably cooler and rainy weather to the coastal areas of Guangdong… Finally, winter is coming! At this exciting moment, here are 2 special news for you~~ ...


上班日的早晨,總是趕著時間出門……想趕得上巴士地鐵,卻不願在人逼人的翻工途中脫妝變成花面貓?就要靠一個快上手又持久的妝容保持明艷照人啦!現在就一起來向擁有多年豐富化妝經驗的Michelle Ho取經,學習幾招特別的夏日化妝技巧吧! ...