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近二十五年前當全球大部分地區還在使用現金時, 香港已經使用第一代電子貨幣, 便是當今的「八達通」, 還記得當時全球只有很少地區如英國使用「Oyster Card」, 香港的八達通可謂冠絕全球, 只可惜時移世易, 常言道:「不進則退」, 今天八達通使用的科技已經淪為「落後大市」, 連政府發放的電子消費券都未能全面配合。 ...

Young banker learns the value of managing time and opportunities

It may not have been itemised in the curriculum, but one skill Bruce Zhu Honghai certainly acquired during his PolyU ... ...

Right course for management role

Professionalism is key to success in the financial sector and Betty Tam – who works as an accountant in a listed company with a focus on financial and ... ...

Open to anyone keen on finance

For students who are busy with work but want to upgrade their skills, the distant learning programmes of the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) - which allow ... ...

Angled at the sharp enthusiast

The accounting industry in Hong Kong is generally known for its high salaries, so it follows that many are interested in joining it. Those who do not have accounting undergraduate training but still want ... ...

Designed for busy executives

Seven years after finishing his undergraduate studies, Clement Kwok - change delivery manager at a multinational investment bank - decided it's time to enhance his knowledge, social network and career prospects by ... ...

Worth another look

The Master of Social Work (MSW) programme, offered by the University of Hong Kong's department of social work and social administration, aims to train students who may not have social work as their first degree but want to ... ...

Wave of interest

Larry Kwok Ming-tat, marine manager at Greater China ACE Insurance, says he had searched for a specialised programme in maritime and transportation law for a long time ... ...

Mainland in focus

The HKIEd offers a programme leading to a master of social science education (Greater China Studies) to teachers who want to ... ...

Growing awareness

The master of social sciences in counselling psychology, offered by Shue Yan University's department of counselling and ... ...