有意者請點擊Apply Now並告知你的期望薪金及每週可上班天數
收到的所有信息將嚴格保密並僅用於招聘目的。 5 週內未獲邀面試的申請人可視其申請不成功,數據將被保留 6 個月,以供我們組織內其他合適的職位空缺使用,然後銷毀。
Interested parties please send your full resume with expected salary and date available to the Human Resources Department by clicking Apply Now.
All information received will be kept in strict confidence and used for employment purpose only. Applicants who are not invited for interview within 5 weeks may assume their applications unsuccessful and their data will be retained for 6 months for other suitable vacancies in our organization and thereafter destroyed.