Senior Account Executive - European trading / sourcing office / luxury paper packaging (Admiralty)
Job Details
Company Overview
- European company
- Supplier of branded packaging and packaging solutions to global luxury and specialty retailers & brands
- Hong Kong office : trading & sourcing office
- Main items : luxurious paper gift wraps, paper gift box, paper packaging products etc
- Main market : European and US luxurious fashion brands
- We are looking for Senior Account Executive - with details as follows :
- Degree holder
- 3+ years merchandising/sales/marketing/client servicing of luxury paper packaging products for US or EU market
- Experience in servicing luxurious retailers, global retail brands or high-end fashion brands is a plus
- Fluency in spoken and written English, Chinese and Mandarin
- Be initiative and be creative to identify new materials / new opportunities for business development
- Major task : Customer Communications and Project Developments for luxurious fashion brand clients
- Providing customer services to assigned branded customers
- Be flexible to offer professional services to meet internal and external customer needs
- Handle project development, product development, samples development, sample quality assurance
- Requesting for quotations from suppliers and prepare internal quotations
- Source for new materials if required
- Develop the samples achieve for new projects
- Search for new product / material / construction to propose to customers
- Assist in searching new suppliers
- Assist in factory visits and audits
- Develop suppliers relationship
- Support daily operations like handling purchase orders
- Keep check with the factory for production status to make sure the quality and delivery date
- To arrange quality inspection with our internal QC and the vendor factories
- Arrange deliveries
- Occasional trips
- 5 days work
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Additional Information
Work Exp
3 Years - 15 Years or above
Bachelor Degree
Employment Type
Full Time
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