Sales Director - building & construction high tech surveying service (KwunTong)
Job Details
Company Overview
The Company :
- High technology surveying service for the building & construction sector
- We provide surveying, mapping and structural inspection services to the construction, infrastructure, utilities, public services and government sectors in Hong Kong
- We also provide high technology products & accessories to be used in advanced inspection for critical infrastrucutre works
- Main customers : construction companies, surveying companies, architects, public services, government departments....etc in Hong Kong
- We are looking for Sales Director – with details as follows :
The Job :
- An individual contributor to grow the Company business
- You will lead initiatives to generate and engage with both existing and potential clients, to build new business for the company. This would include getting new inspection service contracts using our services, or sales and support of the Company products to key customers.
- Ability to formulate and implement sales & marketing strategies and action plans to grow the business
- You will work directly under the CEO in developing and executing business development strategies.
- Identify business leads and client opportunities
- Develop new client relationships in an effort to grow business and help company expand
- Maintain existing business relationships with our current client base
- Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience
- 5+ years sales or business development of products/services to the construction, surveying, architect, government, public services or related sectors
- Business connections in the building & construction sector is highly prefer
- Proficient in Cantonese and English; Mandarin is a plus
- Proven knowledge and execution of successful business development strategies
- Interest in high technology products/systems/services
- 5 days work
- Annual leave : 14 days
- Work-life balance
TO APPLY for this job or similar jobs :
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Additional Information
Work Exp
5 Years - 15 Years or above
Bachelor Degree
Employment Type
Full Time
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