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Tag: paas

2022 Predictions: What’s Next for Data Protection?

During 2020 and 2021, there was a shift in focus to improving remote working capabilities, access to cloud infrastructure and securing data. Over the next year, however, I believe businesses will desire more control of their data, with a greater focus on the ability to facilitate portability and seamless response to the changing demands of the future. Although hybrid and multi-cloud models are not new, the freedom they provide will make it even more of a reality moving forward. With 2022 only just around the corner and promising to enable the exponential growth in the data protection industry, you might be wondering what’s next. To help plan in advance, here’s a few top trends to look out for... ...

【IT事務所】互聯網ABCD發展銳不可擋 ( 下 )

筆者於上一期專欄跟大家分享了A ( 人工智慧 ) 及B ( 區塊鏈 ) 的最新發展....... ...