Diploma or Higher Certificate from Construction Industry Council in Hong Kong / Hong Kong Institute of Construction / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education / Technical Institute or Technical College of Vocational Training Council / Polytechnic University / polytechnic in Hong Kong or equivalent in an appropriate discipline.
持有香港建造業議會 / 香港建造學院 / 香港專業教育學院 / 職業訓練局轄下的工業學院或科技學院 / 香港其中一間理工大學 / 理工學院頒發相關學科的文憑或高級證書或同等資格。
The language proficiency requirements of Level 2 (Note2) or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE/ HKCEE or equivalent shall be met.
語文能力要求具備香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考中國語文科及英國語文科第 2 級成績(備註二)或以上,或具備同等學歷。
Note 2: Grade C and Grade E in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in the HKCEE before 2007 are accepted administratively as comparable to Level 3 and Level 2 respectively in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.
Applicants should also refer to the other requirement(s) stipulated in Appendix 7.4 of “Management Handbook for Direct Employment of Resident Site Staff by Consultants for Public Works Projects” from the webpage of Development Bureau.
申請人亦須參閱發展局網頁“關於顧問公司直接僱用駐地盤人員的管理手冊”附錄 7.4 所載的其他同等學歷和經驗。
The candidates should have minimum academic/ professional qualification requirements of the above posts.
Appointments will be made on Agreement Term in accordance with the prevailing Government’s terms and conditions.
If you meet the above job requirements, you are invited to send your full resume with your full name, identity card number (or passport number), date of availability, contact telephone no. and expected salary to The Human Resources Department, WSP, 7/F, One Kowloon, 1 Wang Yuen Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong or click Apply Nowon or before 28 March 2025.
(Please quote the Job ID#. in the email application subject or on the application letter and envelope)
As an environmentally friendly practice, it is recommended to submit the application via email.
如果您符合上述要求並有意申請職位,請將履歷連同您的全名、身份證號碼(或護照號碼)、到職日期、個人聯絡電話號碼及要求待遇郵寄至香港九龍灣宏遠街 1 號一號九龍 7 樓,科進顧問(亞洲)有限公司人力資源部收,或按Apply Now。申請截止日期為 2025年3月28日。(申請者必須在申請電郵或申請信及信封上寫上職位編號#)。
Please be informed that the personal data of candidates (including your name and identity card number/ passport number) will be transferred to the Hong Kong SAR Government for the purposes of recruitment, employment and management of RSS under consultancies managed by the Hong Kong SAR Government, as well as of retrieval of any of your unsatisfactory/poor performance reports and poor performance records from the RSS Database pursuant to Clause 5.1.6A of the Handbook.
請注意,根據手冊第 5.1.6A條所要求,應聘者的個人資料(包括您的姓名及身份證號碼/護照號碼)將被轉移到香港特別行政區政府,以作香港特別行政區政府管理顧問公司招聘、僱用和管理駐地盤工程人員,及從駐地盤工程人員數據庫(RSS Database)中檢索您的任何 “不滿意/表現不佳”之績效報告和不佳績效記錄之用途。
All applications will be treated in strict confidence and only be used for recruitment related purpose.
所有申請將嚴格保密, 僅用於與招聘有關的目的。