Require resident site staff for the main contract works of the proposed temporary animal boarding establishment for homeless animals at Tuen Mun, NT. Tentative contract period is from April 2025 to April 2026.
a) Diploma or Higher Certificate in Building Studies/Building Surveying from the Hong Kong Polytechnic / Hong Kong Polytechnic University / Hong Kong Technical College/ Hong Kong Technical Institute / Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, or equivalent / Engineering qualifications;
申請人必須持有建造業議會 / 香港建造學院 / 香港理工學院 / 香港理工大學 / 香港科技學院 / 香港工業學院 / 香港專業教育學院頒發的建築學文憑/測量或高級證書,或具備同等或以上學歷;
b) 8 years’ relevant post-qualification experience;
c) Met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2* or above in English Language and Chinese Language in Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) /Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent;
申請人必須持有建造業議會 / 香港建造學院 / 香港理工學院 / 香港理工大學 / 香港科技學院 / 香港工業學院 / 香港專業教育學院頒發的建築學文憑/測量或高級證書,或具備同等或以上學歷;
d) Degree, certificate, Dip or higher Dip in occupational safety and health or in construction safety is preferred.
[Note * Grade E in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in previous HKCEE are accepted administratively as comparable to Level 2 in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.]
[* 註:2007 年以前的香港中學會考的中國語文科及英國語文科 (課程乙) 所考獲的 E 級成績在行政上會被接受等同於 2007 年及以後的香港中學會考的中國語文科及英國語文科所考獲的第二級成績。]
Interested parties may send your written application with full resume stating working experience, qualifications, present and expected salary and date of availability on or before 5pm on 6 April 2025 by clicking Apply Now.
申請人須於2025年4月6日前下午5:00 或之前將申請書連同履歷、學歷及工作證明文件副本、要求薪金及聯絡電話號碼提交至Apply Now.
All data collected would be used for recruitment purposed only