AIR CONDITION SUPERVISOR (冷氣技術主管) 28K+ - HK listed E&M engineering building services (啟德郵輪碼頭)
Job Details
Company Overview
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- E&M building services contractor
- Subsidiary of Hong Kong listed company
- We are looking for AIR CONDITION SUPERVISOR (冷氣技術主管) - with details as follows :
- 持有平安咭及持有電工A或R牌
- 持有建造業工人註冊證
- 一般冷氣技術員工作
- 維修保養及緊急服務的工作
- Mon to Sat 8am-6pm
- Annual leave
- Labour holiday
- Work location : 啟德郵輪碼頭
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Additional Information
Work Exp
3 Years - 15 Years or above
Employment Type
Full Time
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