Career Advice Columnists

面試應對策略 ── 「自信」還是「自滿」


筆者覺得這是一個非常好的問題,也是面試的重要策略( interview strategy )。首先,我們要認清見工面試的目標是得到這份工作,並不是要和對方辯論,取得勝利,而是要說服面試官你是擔任這份工作的最佳人選( the best candidate )。因此,工作的性質和要求( nature and requirements of the job )至為關鍵。

例如工作要求具備流利英語,你可以說:‘I am good at English and I've won the prizes in many English speech contests.’這是自信的表現,也用了事實來證明。最好能結合工作要求:‘And so, I believe I can handle the requests from customers who speak English.’

如果你說:‘Luckily, I won the prizes in some English speech contests, but I still need to improve my English.’當然這也是事實,任何學問都有進步的空間,但在面試的場合則毋需這麼謙虛。

相反,如果自己的英語不太流利的話,也可這樣說:‘Well, I can handle day to day conversation in English. I know the terms used in this industry pretty well and so there will not be any problem in dealing with customers who speak English.’這是陳述事實,既沒有誇大,也沒有貶低自己。

如果面試官問到有關自己的優點或強項時,要看你想表達你在工作方面的專業能力強( professional or job-related ability ),還是人際關係處理得好( interpersonal skills ),抑或是其他性格上的優點( personal attributes ),例如靈活、好學、有毅力及判斷能力強,然後結合工作要求舉一個例子來說明:

‘I have good communication skills and organization ability. For example, I volunteer to organize the staff party last year. It can help boost up our team spirit, especially in motivating our junior staff.’


Happy job hunting!