Career Advice Tips to be more productive






撰寫辭職信不宜長篇大論,亦毋須詳細交代離職原因(人事部到時到候會約見你做Exit interview,到時再說)。反而應該愈短愈好,最好直接、簡單地表述離職的信息就可以了,當中主要內容包括請辭日期,離職時間及日後聯絡方式等等。



直截了當: 信件第一段,甚至第一句說明自己要辭職

表現專業: 不要於信中顯露出「埋怨」,亦不要「侮辱」及「批評」公司或個別同事

離職日期: 計算清楚自己的通知期,說明最後離職日期(注意:最後離職日期可以是星期六/日,但有些公司會要求你改寫於星期一至五內)

工作交代: 提供可暫時替代你工作的人選,或同意於離職最後一天前完成甚麼項目及工作等

錯字檢查: 確保內文信息正確無誤,始終是正式信件,日期錯誤麻煩很大,當然拼寫錯誤也要小心

法律問題: 不同職位的合約條款於離職程序並不一樣,可能要尋求法律意見





1. 把範本「複製及貼上」在Microsoft Word / Google Document

2. 加上你的聯絡資料

3. 重新撰寫部份內容,如你的離職情形及工作交接

4. 檢查有沒有錯字或內文資料

5. 入信封直接交予上司(或發送電郵,但建議當面提交)



Template (A)

[你的名稱 Your Name]

[聯絡電話 Your Phone Number]

[聯絡電郵 Your Email Address]

[今日日期 Today’s Date]

[收信人姓名(僱主/上司)Employer/ Supervisor Name]

[收信人職位(僱主/上司)Employer/ Supervisor Title]

[現職公司名稱 Company Name]


Dear [收信人姓名(僱主/上司)Employer/ Supervisor Name]],


(First paragraph) I am writing to provide you with my formal notice of resignation from [現職公司名稱 Company Name]. My last day will be [離職日期 Date of leaving].


(Second paragraph) This was not an easy decision to make, and I appreciate your support over the course of my employment at [現職公司名稱 Company Name]. I truly value the experience, training, and knowledge I gained over the past [年數 Number] years. It has been a pleasure working with you and the team.


(Third paragraph) Please let me know how I can help during this transition. I wish you all the best as the company continues to grow.



[簽名 Image of Signature]

[你的姓名 Your Name]


Template (B)

[辭職日期 Date of Resignation]

From: [你的名稱 Your Name]

To: [收信人姓名(僱主/上司)Employer/ Supervisor Name]

[收信人職位(僱主/上司)Employer/ Supervisor Title]

[現職公司名稱 Company Name]


Dear [收信人姓名(僱主/上司)Employer/ Supervisor Name],


(First paragraph) Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my position as [現時職位 Your current position] for [現職公司名稱 Company Name]. My last day of employment will be [離職日期 Date of leaving].


(Second paragraph) Thank you for the support and opportunities that I have been given at [現職部門 Your current department] during the past [年數 Number] years. I have sincerely enjoyed working for the team and appreciate the professional development I have received.


(Third) I wish you and the company all the best. I hope our paths will cross again in the future.


Yours sincerely,

[簽名 Image of Signature]

[你的姓名 Your Name]