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John Chan is a Staffing Recruiter with a degree in psychology.
Staffing Recruiter即係做咩呢?好似知又好似唔知,具體得嚟又有啲抽象,仲要有個心理學學位,唔知有又有咩關係呢?寫得呢個學歷出嚟,就唔好嘥,結合埋一齊突出優勢,呢度應該講多少少。
John Chan is a Staffing Recruiter and certified psychologist who specialises in discovering young professionals’ talents and passions.
如果你寫嘅事業成係喺job description度抄出嚟,你要重新寫過啦,果啲係工作內容,唔係成就(achievement)。除非你係fresh grad,否則至少寫一項事業成就。咩叫事業成就?
He conceives and implements marketing strategies that help his clients increase brand awareness, generate leads and acquire new customers. ABC, DCE and FGH Company are his happy clients.
簡略寫吓工作經驗。如果你當佢係Resume、逐樣嘢一張清單咁列出嚟,咁好容易寫,但係咁做只係重複咗resume嘅功能,Professional Bio係另一個舞台、另一種表演,如果寫到好似resume咁,就好似喺紅館四面台上用演講嘅方式「讀」一首快歌一樣,台下實要你「回水」。
講故事就最有效,故事最易入腦最易記得,Professional Bio就係講一個屬於你嘅故事。
John Chan is a copywriter-turned-analyst passionate about using data and analytics to tell a story.
John has nearly 10 years of experience working in marketing for large brands. He knows that how well you connect with the real people truly drives conversions.
After spending nearly a decade working in marketing for multimillion dollar brands, John understands what truly drives conversions – it’s how well you connect with the real people.
A strong believer in the power of positive thinking in the workplace, John regularly develops internal wellness campaigns to share effective mental health techniques with employees.
John helps homeowners and new buyers secure a loan that suits their budget and goals.
After a successful career boosting growth of small banks and real estate agencies, John now helps them write marketing copy for their products and services.
咁嘅寫法亦都可以提醒自己唔好一味咁讚自己,話自己係乜乜乜,而係究竟做咗啲咩實事,幫其他人創造價值(value creation)。
1. Analyst
[John Chan] is a [copywriter-turned-analyst] passionate about [using data and analytics to tell a story]. After spending [nearly a decade] working in [marketing] for [multimillion dollar brands], [John] understands [what truly drives conversions – it’s how well you connect with the real people]. Having worked for [clients of diverse industries, such as ABC, DEF, GHI Company], [John] is [quick to understand the business of a new company and his actionable advice has helped increase brand awareness, generate leads and acquire new customers for his clients].
2. Wealth Management Manager
[John Chan] is the [Wealth Management Manager] at [ABC Company]. He [develops both long-term and short-term investment strategies with clients while creating investment portfolios designed to achieve their financial goals and objectives]. [John] began his career in [investments in 2010] and since then has held various important positions within the [institutional space including roles within portfolio management, operations, client servicing, and client education]. With the robust experience, she is now [managing accounts worth 10 billion dollars] and [bringing in significant annual increment].