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IT revolution spurs demand

The information technology profession is undergoing revolutionary change as new technological breakthroughs emerge, says Ted Suen, vice-president of talent cultivation at the Hong Kong Computer Society.

"This is creating a huge demand for IT experts, and we are seeing more and more cloud service centres being set up in Hong Kong," he says.

Emerging technologies include mobile technology, big data analytics, cloud technology and social media. There are also opportunities for graduates looking to start their own businesses in developing mobile apps or online games.

Suen says graduates can find many opportunities based on their interests and aspirations. "There is huge demand for graduates in the technical and programming areas. In the longer term, graduates can move up to the position of project manager, business analyst, system manager on the application or technical side, or even technical salesperson."

Job opportunities abound in hardware and software vendor companies, services providers, in-house IT departments and even educational institutions.

Suen says graduates entering the profession need proficiency in application programming, knowledge of basic system networking and project management skills.

"They should also possess good communication skills, including proficiency in both written and spoken English," he says.