Career Advice Office Gossip

Career Tips: How to succeed in a group interview

很多大機構都喜歡用小組面試 ( group interview ) 的形式來挑選員工,這種方式有兩方面的好處。首先可在短時間內面見更多求職者,另一方面透過觀察他們之間的交流,比單對單的個人面試,可對求職者有更深入的認識。很多接觸面比較廣的行業,例如零售、銀行等都常用這種方式。


評估能力範疇 (scope of skills evaluated)
1. 分析能力 (analytical skills):How do you analyse situations? How do you gather essential information before making a decision? 這是很多工作的基本能力要求。

2. 決策能力 (decision making):Do you make decisions based on emotion, on logic or possibly on intuition? 如只憑直覺作出反應的話,很多工作崗位都不能勝任。

3. 解難能力 (problem-solving skills):The quality of the solution you provide, the ‘creative’ way you reach a solution and how well you cope with complex or stressful situations.

4. 談判能力 (negotiation skills):How well you convince and influence people with your ideas. 銷售或推廣的員工特別要求有這方面的能力。

5. 溝通和聆聽能力 (communication and listening skills):How do you interact with people? How well do you work as a team member? Do you listen to feedback? How do you present a solution? 不單是管理層,前線員工都要具備良好的溝通能力,才可應付日常工作。

6. 領導和管理能力 (leadership and management capacities):Can you lead a team? Do you dominate a team? Are you a follower or a natural leader? Are you a ‘positive’ leader - how do others react to you when you delegate tasks? 面對不認識的人,怎樣才可在短時間內發揮你的領導才能?

至於Group Interview的形式和內容,可能是「模擬工作性質」(work-simulation exercises),由幾位求職者一起討論和解決一個和實際工作相關的問題,面試官從旁觀察記錄,也會參與談論。可能幾組同時討論不同的分題,然後每一組選一個代表出來,向全體發言並匯報結果。

有些機構卻喜歡用一些與工作毫無關係、具爭議性及假設性的情景作為討論的題目 (controversial hypothetical situation)。最經典的例子是:‘Deciding how to choose which people to save from a sinking boat.’ 這類題目的特點是求職者可更有創意地運用自己的思維與詞鋒去表達、說服別人和作出決定。

主要目的  (main objective)
求職者的首要任務是:The key is making yourself stand out as a mature, confident and competent candidate.

成功要訣  (tips for success)
1. When you introduce yourself to the team members, make your story interesting. Highlight some of your unique past achievements.

Prepare a two-minute introduction summarising your education, work experience, and career goals.

2. Show a sincere interest when others introduce themselves, e.g. carry a smile, or slightly knob your head.

3. Find the balance between dominating others and cooperating with others—you don’t want to annoy people and show off yourself as ‘the smartest person’, as it is a guaranteed way to get eliminated from consideration.

4. Don’t hesitate to be ‘the independent thinker’; you can take a contrary point of view. Say what is on your mind even if your opinion is in a minority position—persuade the members. However, don’t stay in opposition too long, you have to cooperate with others.

‧In my own opinion I think option one is the best solution. But it seems we have diverse views. How about taking a vote to decide which option to pick?

5. Praise and support others for their good ideas—it is a good way to show you are friendly and a little authoritative at the same time.

‧I think your suggestion is very good. I support it.
‧That’s a good idea. Who else agrees with that?

6. Listen carefully to others—don’t ‘interrupt’ the conversation flow.

7. Consult with team members. Include quieter people:
  if someone hasn’t said much, ask their opinion.
( to a quiet person ) What's your opinion on this?

這可反映你能為人設想,也有團隊精神。(You are a considerate person and a real team player. But don’t defer to someone else when it is your chance to speak.) 要掌握分寸,到自己發言的時候,不要讓給別人。

8. If there is a disagreement, be the mediator.

9. Don’t try to impress—just be yourself.

10. Be creative—think out of the box.

1. Write notes during the conversation. 在討論時,要用紙筆記錄重點。其實這也是我們平常開會時應做的工夫。

2. Volunteer to be the team’s leader or public speaker and state your conclusion to the interviewing panel. 這是比較不容易的,因為每一位求職者都希望能夠做組長或發言人,所以反應要快。也有一種方法,如果你已是組長,可讓另一位做發言人,能表現出你願意下放權力 (willing to delegate)。假設你反應慢了點,也可爭取代表小組發言。

Written by 戴婉真 ( Alice )

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