Career Advice Tips to be more productive

8 Ways to Better Time Management

Time is an elusive commodity. There simply isn’t enough time in any given day to do all the things you need and want to do. Fortunately, there is a way to relieve all the stress that can result from poor time management. Regardless of the many reasons why people may need to learn and utilize better time management skills, whether it be from procrastination, work over-load, or heavy responsibilities, it is safe to say that everyone can use a little more time in their day. Although the changes you can implement in your daily life can help immensely with improving time management skills, many people still fail to take the first step in creating extra time for themselves. Habits are hard to change, but these eight simple ways to better manage your time are so easy to use and effective that you’ll regret not using them sooner.

Click on next slide to see which seven horrible habits productive employees should avoid.

1. Plan ahead.

Create a daily task list (and a weekly one too, if you’re feeling ambitious) for all the commitments and responsibilities you have, both work and personal. By knowing all the tasks at hand, you can eliminate any surprises and know what you’re up against in advance.

2. Prioritize.

Number each item on your task list by order of urgency and importance. Focus on the top three items for each day and then work your way through the rest. This way you won’t fall into the trap of doing a lot of small things, but still feel like you didn’t accomplish much with your time.

3. Set time limits.

Make it clear to yourself the amount of time it will require to complete the important tasks and when you should have it done. This will help prevent you from dragging your feet and losing time for your other responsibilities.

4. Know your deadlines.

Mark important dates on your calendar so that you know exactly when major deadlines are. This will help you keep track of time and get a handle on the workload.

5. Take small breaks.

The mind can only really focus on things for a maximum of 90 minutes before it starts to automatically shut off. Make sure to re-energize and refocus om the task at hand by taking a short break from your work. Even a quick stop at the restroom is enough to get your mind back into focus.

6. Learn to say no.

We like to think of ourselves as helpful, but oftentimes, our need to be well-liked is what overloads and overwhelms us. While some requests cannot be refused, such as family emergencies or requests from your boss, many other requests can be turned down or deferred until another time. Make sure to tell people that you would love to help out, but you already have other commitments at this time. People will understand and appreciate your honesty.

7. Get enough sleep.

It’s a common misconception that you’ll be able to finish more work if you sacrifice sleep time to complete other tasks. Unfortunately, if you don’t allow yourself the time to rest and reboot your body, your quality of work will suffer. You’re better off allowing yourself a good night’s rest and tackling the next day’s responsibilities with vigor than to power through exhaustion.

8. Block out distractions.

The easiest way to waste time to fall prey to the many distractions around you. Ensure that your workspace is tidy, clutter-free, and conducive to work. Turn off or mute your instant messaging system. Send phone calls directly to voice-mail. And don’t even think about logging into Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or any other time-wasting websites. Focus on the essential tasks at hand and then you can reward yourself once you’re finished with the day’s work.

It has been proven that time management is a skill that can be learned and with patience and practice, you will be able to master everything you need to do in the time you have to complete them. Start off with these eight simple steps to help you learn how to better manage your time, work more efficiently, and maintain a clear, level mindset, and perhaps you’ll soon find yourself with extra time on your hands.