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AICPA & CIMA celebrate top accounting and finance talent at first-ever CGMA Professional Awards – Asia Pacific 2024

AICPA & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, announced the winners of their inaugural CGMA Professional Awards – Asia Pacific in a virtual ceremony on 20 December 2024. ...

AICPA & CIMA’s CGMA Leadership Academy shapes future accounting, finance, and business leaders

The world’s premier finance and accounting body, AICPA & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, will host the fourth edition of their flagship leadership programme, the CGMA Leadership Academy, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 7 to 10 October 2024 under the theme “Transformative Leadership for a Sustainable Future”. ...

Three steps to adaptive leadership in the age of technology

Today organizations are finding themselves intricately woven into the fabric of technological advancements and are compelled to adopt new technologies to remain competitive. From using IoT technology in manufacturing and facility management to small retail or food and beverage businesses relying on contactless payment solutions, technology is shaping how enterprises operate and compete. In Hong Kong, for instance, the adoption of emerging technologies is pronounced, with cloud computing leading the charge—64% of companies report full adoption, and another 36% are in the early stages. Moreover, 88% of executives from these companies cite staying competitive as the primary driver for adopting these technologies. Even with these advances, there remains a significant potential for wider uptake and enhanced integration of these technologies into core business strategies. ...

The Moment of Engineering Evolution – The HKIE YMC Overseas Delegation 2023 to Germany

Engineering has been at the core of molding and propelling the progress of human civilisation across time, enabling enhancements in the standards of living around the world. It has become more apparent that the engineering field is now undergoing a pivotal evolution. These megatrends are fostered by powerful technological and social forces converging. The needs and demands of society are now experiencing a swift shift expediated by COVID. Simultaneously, there is a growing recognition of the grand challenges of our era, including climate change and sustainable development, which require highly coordinated global cooperation across borders. ...

CPJOBS 精選資訊科技職位空缺(2023年8月25日-8月31日)

CPJOBS最新好工推介:日日呻做嘢辛苦,人工又低,點解唔俾個機會自己轉個新環境,搵份好工!? 快啲Click 入Apply Now 睇下最新資訊科技職位空缺,大把好工等緊你! ...

CPJOBS 精選行政及文書職位空缺(2023年8月25日-8月31日)

CPJOBS最新好工推介:日日呻做嘢辛苦,人工又低,點解唔俾個機會自己轉個新環境,搵份好工!? 快啲Click 入Apply Now 睇下最新行政及文書職位空缺,大把好工等緊你! ...

AICPA & CIMA’s flagship leadership programme returns to Singapore

The third edition of the CGMA Leadership Academy, an intensive four-day leadership programme, will be held in Singapore from 9 to 12 October 2023. The event will be hosted by AICPA® & CIMA®, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, under the theme ‘Finance Forward: Igniting Value Creation & Leadership’. ...

CPJOBS 精選資訊科技職位空缺(2023年8月11日-8月17日)

CPJOBS最新好工推介:覺得自己差個機會? 有時機會係要自己爭取嘅! 唔好再等喇,快啲Click 入Apply Now 睇下最新資訊科技職位空缺,把握機會啦! ...

CPJOBS 精選資訊科技職位空缺(2023年8月4日-8月10日)

CPJOBS最新好工推介:喺而家公司努力極都無升職機會? 有時機會係要自己爭取! 係時間搵份新工,幫自己搵個更好嘅機會,快啲Click 入Apply Now 睇下最新資訊科技職位空缺啦! ...

CPJOBS 精選資訊科技職位空缺(2023年7月14日-7月20日)

CPJOBS最新好工推介:成日話公司俾唔到你發揮機會,做嚟做去都係差唔多嘅嘢,好想去另一個環境學吓嘢、挑戰下自己? 係時候跳出Comfort Zone喇,快啲Click 入Apply Now 睇下最新資訊科技職位空缺啦! ...